Wednesday, September 07, 2005

FIRST TIMERS ESSAY WINNER: 10 year old Grant Jones

Why Try Andy’s Tri?
by Grant Jones

This was my very first time to do a Triathlon. I am ten years old. I had a great time because it challenged me. It has made me want to do more! It was fun! People watching and other racers cheered me on. I got to meet a lot of nice people. I ran with Gilbert. Everyone involved with the race helped me. They gave me encouragement when I picked up my packet and when I got to the race, they helped me get set up.

The reason I decided to do Try Andy’s Tri is because I like to bike, run and swim; and to get exercise. Finish Line supports our swim team, New Territory Tarpons, and I heard about the Triathlon when I would go to the store. I was looking on the computer at the website one day and just signed up. I watched the Tour de France this summer and read a lot of books from the Fort Bend Library about Lance Armstrong. He started doing Triathlons when he was my age. I decided I could do one too.

My training schedule: My mom would wake me up at 6:00 a.m. and I would go ride my bike. I would also run around the block. I have been on swim team for six years, so I was swimming every day. My mom’s friend is a triathlete in San Antonio. The week before the race he emailed me and gave me some good tips about what to eat and how to prepare. I worked on getting out of the pool and onto my bike fast and also jumping off my bike and running. I got lots of rest and ate lots of pasta! I also drank lots of water.

My mom and dad took me to ride the bike course two days before the race. It was very different having to ride on the sidewalk and stop for cars. It was much better having the cars stop for us! I found a road bike the day before the race, but my mom and dad wouldn’t let me get it. It was not a good idea to ride on a new bike I had not trained on. I got up at 4:00 a.m. to go to the race. We were very early. We even saw the cones being put out for the bike route when we were driving there. Try Andy’s Tri was very exciting! The hardest part was trying to rack my bike after the ride because my bike was too heavy. The most fun was on the run when they sprayed us with the water hose! The best part was after the race getting icy towels, eating pizza, seeing all the awards passed out, and listening to Andy talk on the megaphone.

As soon as the race was over, I used my money and bought the road bike! Now I can be even faster for the next time!

Your friend Grant Jones

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